Thursday, March 20, 2008

Reasons why I think I might not want to live anymore, numbers 1 and 2

This video was sent to me yesterday by Becca, who got it from Dennis. Reason number 1 that I think I might not want to live anymore? The very existence of GodTube (Broadcast Him!), the latest in a loooooong line of schemes for getting rich off of the Big Guy by attaching his name to all kinds of dumb bullshit and selling it to the practitioners of the bland, mindless, spiritually lifeless, mom-jeans-and-teased-bangs brand of Christianity that is so prevalent in this intellectual black hole of a country.

Reason #2? This specific video from GodTube. Be prepared, I am really not exaggerating when I say it makes me not want to live anymore.

If you think that video says a lot about the state of spiritual depth (and general intelligence and good taste) in this country, just wait till you read the comments! For example, "Breezybug" says :

Ha ha this is so funny!! i wish wen i get married that i would get purposd the same way the guy did in this video!

At least she spelled "video" correctly, unlike many of her commenting counterparts.

What's that you say? You don't want to live anymore either? Hey, that's what this blog is here for. Glad I could help.

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